Inspired by Nature

My journey with clay began at an attic desk in my childhood home. Endless hours were spent creating clay beads, finger puppets, and sculptures out of sculpy clay. On road trips you would find me with gross mushed up Starburst building all sorts of imaginative wonders before popping my creation into my mouth.

High school ceramics classes and an amazing teacher inspired me to pursue becoming an art teacher.  Following new passions I received degrees in both printmaking and art education from Ohio University.

Since 2010 I have been teaching art to young people, being fortunate enough to facilitate creative experiences on their own artistic journeys. I love teaching people of all ages, and thrive on setting kindling to the creative spark that people carry. 

In 2017, I reconnected with ceramics after a long absence, finding ways to combine my love of printmaking with functional ceramic work. One gift the pandemic gave was the time and focus to finally launch Daphnia Ceramics, creating work in my home studio and selling it online. 

In 2021 I decided to take the plunge and dedicate myself to ceramics full time! I am currently selling my work online, at local artisan markets, and teaching private ceramics lessons at my home and within the community.